God is in the details.
Ludwig Miles van der Rohe
The built environment is the setting for practically all human activities. As well as being a huge consumer of resources, both financial and environmental, buildings facilitate or inhibit activities in ways that most people are unaware of.
The interactions between buildings and occupants are complex and poorly understood. There is tremendous scope for better understanding leading to better performance.
The fragmentation of the design, construction, management and use of the built environment is a barrier to improvement. Data Clan’s cross-disciplinary expertise is able to make connections between multiple aspects of activities and their settings, revealing pathways for an organisation to make better buildings for its needs, or make better use of its existing buildings.
Improved outcomes can be measured in many dimensions, such as cost efficiency, environmental efficiency, organisational performance, wellbeing, community cohesion and reduction of antisocial behaviour.
Data Clan does not design buildings, but it understands how buildings interface with human activities and how that interface can work better.
Design briefing
Good designs need a good brief – written with users before architects are appointed.
Activity-space simulation
Change should be investigated with simulation, not surveys of the present situation.
Planning for uncertainty
The future is unpredictable, but options can provide resilience for many scenarios.