Changing the score
“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability”;[1] an axiom, in the context of data, you’d think would either drive or inhibit progress. And you’d be right. This well-rehearsed paradox is playing out relentlessly in the context of the global pandemic and endeavours to disagree on which ‘science to follow’ in optimising our chances […]
He had it Cummings?
WANTED: People keen to focus on research and real stuff. Serious message below. I just about know who Duncan Cummings is. Just as I was getting to grips with social media, headlines were eclipsed by another single-issue. In addition to returning interesting Google search results, Dominic Cummings if he does nothing else, he fascinates. Apparently. […]
Life after lockdown – reality check
Our objective here is to try to make sense of the emerging information. Our intention is not to be perpetually critical but to create healthy discussion; to take a practical view and get to the facts. Our panel, our objectives and our contributors are mostly by design argumentative, constructively. If there is a better way, […]